

Our team is composed of competent and highly professional lawyers, legal advisors and local and international administrators. They can provide our clients with necessary legal protection. The lawyers in our team can appear before all courts according to the set rules of legal representation on behalf of companies, institutions as well as individuals. Clients will certainly benefit from our team members who are fully aware of all technical details related to the legal representation procedures

د. داود بن سليمان بن سالم الخروصي

Dawood Bin Suliman Bin Salim Al Kharusi

Appeal Counsel/Office Founder.
سالم بن بدوي بن سعيد الحجي

Salem Bin Badawi Bin Saeed Al Higy

Lawyer/Nizwa Branch Director
سيف بن حمود بن سيف الصباري

Saif Bin Hamood Bin Saif Al Sabari

نجلاء بنت سالم بن حمود الشكيلية

Najlaa Bint Salim Bin Hamood Al Shikaliya

ولاء بنت محمد بن منصور الريامية

Walaa Bint Mohammed Bin Mansoor Al Riyamiyah

راوية بنت زاهر بن سرحان العامرية

Rawyah Bint Zahir Bin Serhan Al Amiriyah

عماد الدين الجاك فضل صبير

Imad Al Din Al Jack Fadul Subair

Former Judge/Legal Advisor
محمد أحمد الريح أحمد المصطفى

Mohammed Ahmed Al Rayah Ahmed Al Mustafa

Former Judge/Legal Advisor
رضا السيد عبدالعاطي

Rida Al Sayed Abd Al Ati (Egyptian)

Legal Advisor/Commercial Arbitration
أيمن فتحي حمودة سيد

Ayman Fathi Hamouda Sayed

Public Law Advisor/Penal