Shari’ah Lawsuits

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Shari’ah Lawsuits

  • In Dr. Dawood’s office, we pay a lot of attention to family and personal status cases. Some of our highly experienced lawyers and advisors are assigned to take care of clients who are facing situations which include, but not limited to, cases of:
  1. Divorce.
  2. Support.
  3. Tutelage.
  4. Inheritance
  5. Succession
  6. Paternity of a child.
  7. Wardship.
  8. Guardianship.
  9. Trusteeship.
  10. Attachment on prodigals and bankrupt.
  11. Release from seizure.
  12. Designating trustee claims.
  13. Divide and distribute the inheritance in accordance with Shari’ah law.
  • The office team of experts will evaluate its elements and finally liquidate them. After that, they will transfer the assets to the legatees whether they are inside or outside the Sultanate.